How to mod dead island riptide pc
How to mod dead island riptide pc

pak file to "My Documents" folder then navigate to your my documents folder and you will see a folder named "DeadIsland". Once opened, navigate to the file you wish to edit, BUT DO NOT MODIFY IT HERE. You can open them with a program like 7-Zip or WinRAR.

how to mod dead island riptide pc

These files are simply zipped containers for the game's configuration files.

how to mod dead island riptide pc

Once inside the folder you will see several files with a. If you are using steam it should be in your steamapps folder:Ĭ:\.\Steam\steamapps\common\dead island\DI BTW thanks for the tool, Rick.A safe way to mod Dead Island is to go to your installation directory and enter the folder named "DI". Voila! You got fixed Data0.pak file which is the one you have to put back in your Dead Island game folder and overwrite the original file in order to see your modifications in game.

how to mod dead island riptide pc

You should see cmd window and FixZip working results in it.ħ. Now you should have the following files in your folder:ĭata0_vanilla.pak <- the original pak fileį <- your newly created. pak) and FixZip files into the same folder as above. – Put your original Data0.pak into a new folder and rename the file to, say: Data0_original.pak Let’s say you modified Data0.pak contents and repacked it in I know it’s been a while but recently Dead Island Definitive Edition came out and this tool can be useful again 🙂 Oh gosh! People you just don’t know how to use command line programs. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.ġ8 Responses to “FixZip: Modifying Dead Island pak files without hacking the engine DLL” You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. On Friday, September 9th, 2011 at 4:10 pm and is filed under Dead Island. This will create a new version of modified zip that the game will accept as the original pak file. If you don’t specify an output zip file name, it will default to the modified zip file name.

how to mod dead island riptide pc

o for overwrite (if you don’t specify this, FixZip will crash if you specified an output file name and it already exists) If it crashes / doesn’t work, let me know! X:\dead island\DI>"Y:\" -v -o DataEn.pak

How to mod dead island riptide pc